"Medicine is a science of uncertainty and an art of probability" ~ William Osler


Ask Osleriana

This is a searchable database & electronic documents archive including material by and about Sir William Osler as well as presentations at the Annual Meetings of the American Osler Society. More information and search instructions may be found by clicking "Ask Osleriana" below.

Ask Osleriana >>


Helpful Publications

Compendium of the World's Oslerian Society Presentations

Osler for White Coat Pockets


AOS Podcasts and Social Media

Managed by Rob Stone, the AOS  has a presence (channels) on SpotifyApple Podcasts and YouTube. Through these links you will find interviews with AOS members and other content. Podcasts feature interviews with members of the society as well as medical students, physicians, and others interested in Sir William Osler, medical humanities, and the history of medicine.

Image Websites

Society Websites
