"Medicine is a science of uncertainty and an art of probability" ~ William Osler

Molina Travel Award Information for Medical Students

The Molina Travel Award was established in through an agreement with Dr. Mario Molina and the American Osler Society in 2023 to support the travel of medical students, enrolled in medical schools in the United States, Canada, and internationally to present their work at the yearly meetings of the American Osler Society. The amount of the award is currently US $500.

The Award encourages eligible medical students to carry on research utilizing collections of American and Canadian institutions and various other historical collections by providing funds to support their travel to the yearly American Osler Society meetings to present their research findings.

Students do not need to apply for the Award.  Application is automatic when a student submits an abstract for the annual meeting. Awardees are chosen by the Program Committee of the American Osler Society based upon the numerical rank given to student abstracts following evaluation by all reviewers. No more than two awards can be given to awardees from any one institution and reviewers are prevented from judging abstracts submitted by students at the reviewers' institutions.

The Program Committee will notify awardees of their selection.