Dear poet-physicians and physician-poets!
The American Osler Society is collecting medical trainee poetry for a collection. If you have a poem written while a medical student, resident, or fellow, that you would like considered this publication, please send to: with "POETRY SUBMISSION" in the Subject line.
If you know of a medical trainee who writes poetry, please share this invitation with them!
Both in the body of the email and as an attached pdf, please include:
- author's name
- email address
- academic institution
- what year of training the poem was written in
- If the poem has been published previously
- If the poem's been published, please provide its citation and proof you have rights to submit for further publication
- The poem itself as you would like it to appear
Poems need not be directly related to medicine or training to be considered, but as it is intended for a medical trainee audience, poems should attempt to teach or to move their reader towards virtues and humanism. If you further questions, please email
Submissions are due by December 31st. Notification about accepting or declining the piece for publication will be in Spring of 2024
Thank you,
Michael P.H. Stanley, MD