"Medicine is a science of uncertainty and an art of probability" ~ William Osler

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Dr. Steven L. Berk’s In Search of the Animalcule, a stunning work of historical fiction

Dr. Steven L. Berk’s In Search of the Animalcule, a stunning work of historical fiction

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Infectious disease expert Steven L. Berk, M.D. will celebrate the release of In Search of the Animalcule this February.  Berk, an award-winning writer and Texas medical school dean, is author of Anatomy of a Kidnapping: A Doctor’s Story, which People magazine hailed “a harrowing account of a compassionate doctor's abduction at gunpoint from his own home. Stays with you.”  Berk follows the familiar writer’s advice to “write what one knows” in crafting his debut novel, In Search of the Animalcule. A stunning work of historical fiction about the early days of infectious disease, In Search of the Animalcule will rekindle attention to the history of the hand washing doctrine, the exhilaration of discovery, and the continuing martyrdom of physicians fighting deadly animalcules(germs), a battle which continues in the COVID era.


The Art of Surgery

art of surgery


Dr James Young's reflection on Oslerian aequanimitas and the pursuit of stillness in today's practice

James Young's latest article on Osler's imperturbability and equanimity as a lesson towards achieving stillness and presence in today's medical practice.

Introducing the AOS blog

Introducing the AOS blog

The AOS is starting a blog! Update the membership on your scholarly activity, send an reflection of humanism in medicine, contribute a perspective piece on a history of medicine topic, give a shout-out to a colleague or mentee acting in the Oslerian spirit.  Send your piece (or just a pitch) to AmericanOslerSocietySME@gmail.com with "BLOG SUBMISSION" in the title.
